Q. What is weyeze?

A. WeyeZE is a company oriented around social good. We believe that through innovation and collaboration, lives can be improved and economies can grow forth. Through the first product created by WeyeZE, we address the problem of vision care access, specifically the lack of access to glasses.

Q. How does weyeze solve the lack of access to glasses?

A. The origin story of WeyeZE is a fascinating one and can be found in the about us sections. The product itself is a self-administered glasses kit to create accessible vision care for all. It makes the process of receiving a pair of glasses with the correct power and measurements one would receive in a clinic, simple and easy to access on a large scale. The kit’s patented technology mimics how glasses have been prescribed for decades, the first ever kit to disrupt the glasses industry.


Q. How do you pronounce weyeze?

A. ”Wise”


Q. Can i purchase a weyeze kit at a local store near me?

A. WeyeZE will be branching out to make our kits available commercially, but are currently focusing on serving communities who lack access at large in developing countries.


Q. How can i get weyeze for my city/town/community/school?

A. If the WeyeZE glasses kit is something that is needed in your town, city, community, and/or school, please reach out in the contact us section. We look forward to serving your community.